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How to have gay sex on elder scrolls

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The Jokes book qips about homosexuality in the Khajiiti navy. Please do add to this list, since I'm sure I've missed some (especially from ESO) This is merely a list of sources - the analysis remains up to you. Neither does being on this list imply that the character is a good representation or a role model. Please note that characters who are not on this list may still be LGBTQ - this list isn't supposed to be a detailing of everyone's sexuality or gender identity (most people in TES never mention either), but rather one of specific textual references to LGBTQ individuals.

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The question of LGBT people in TES comes up rather frequently, so I thought I'd try to put together a list of specific characters and references.

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(This is a copy of the original Tumblr post, preserved in a format where it won't randomly break)

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